In 2006, a Tennessee man named David Gatchell legally changed his middle name from "Leroy" to "None Of The Above". (although in reality, that would be a whole bunch of middle names.) Seems he was running for Governor and U.S. Senator as an Independent, and wanted to capitalize on voters who were disenchanted with their voting choices. But state election commissioners refused to put Gatchell's middle name on the ballot, so Gatchell sued them. "I feel so strongly about this," he said. "It's my identity." (Right...)
Face it, at times we're all discouraged with some of our political choices. Ever cast your ballot between the least of two evils? The whole election mess can exhaust even the most avid political junkie. But considering the alternatives (i.e. anarchy, dictatorship, etc.), we can all shout a huge "praise God" that we're given a voice in our political process. Scripture informs us that governments are instituted by God and that our rulers are God's servants (Romans 13:1-6), placed in position by God himself (Daniel 4:17). I don't pretend to understand how and why and who the Lord chooses. Often, I just shake my head, wondering what he's doing, since our governmental leaders don't act much like God's servants at times. But I trust him. This much is clear: God cares about our government, and so should we.
The 2018 election was the largest, most expensive, most vicious non-Presidential election in history. So more than ever, isn't it comforting to know, that as citizens of the kingdom of heaven (Philippians 3:20), we can live on a higher level, which transcends political issues and governments. That doesn't mean we don't care about our government or the election, but we can put politics in perspective, living in the reality that this world is not our home. Most importantly, we can pray for our leaders; for their well-being and godly wisdom…whether you agree with them or not. So before you rush out and change your name, stop and thank God that you live in such an amazing country where you actually get to choose your leaders.