My granddaughter, Tesia, was performing in a piano recital along with other first-graders. One by one, young entertainers approached the stage and tickled the ivories, attempting to make musical magic at the keyboard. Sitting through this melodic extravaganza wasn’t easy. If the students had scraped their nails on chalkboards, they might have produced more pleasant sounds.
Read MoreFor want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the message was lost.
For want of a message the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.
Read MoreEverybody worships something. For Bill Bramanti, of the Chicago area, it was Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer. Adoration for his beloved brew ran so deep, he purchased a custom-made casket, resembling a can of Pabst beer.
Read MoreIt’s strange how a few words can permanently alter your life. Exactly two years ago today, Linda and I sat at our kitchen table on a video call with an oncologist, as he delivered these disturbing words: “Ovarian cancer … stage four … incurable.” From that moment on, my world hasn’t been the same.
Read MorePop quiz. What’s the simplest, shortest sentence in the English language? (Text language doesn’t count). The answer is: “I am.” It can’t get any more basic. “I am.” It’s also the most powerful statement ever uttered, because those two simple words form the name of God.
Read MoreHe epitomized the essence of negativity. After leaving my car at a dealership for repair, their shuttle driver transported me to my office. Our conversation consisted of his litany complaints of all that was wrong with our world. Any effort to turn the discussion in a positive direction failed to make a crack…
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