Peace Child

Don and Carol Richardson served as missionaries in Western New Guinea for years among the Sawi people. After learning their language, Don labored to share the love of Jesus with this tribe, but the Sawis resisted the mercy of God, as it was not a virtue they valued. Missionary historian Ruth A. Tucker writes: "As he learned the language and lived with the people, he became more aware of the gulf that separated his Christian worldview from the worldview of the Sawi: In their eyes, Judas, not Jesus, was the hero of the Gospels, Jesus was just the dupe to be laughed at." Then, he discovered the concept of "The Peace Child", and that changed everything! 


Two tribal villages were constantly at war, with much bloodshed. Unable to make headway, Don and Carol informed the Sawis that they were planning to leave. Because of the medical help they provided, the tribe was devastated by this news. The chief took drastic action. He summoned the enemy tribe and Don observed as they stood in a line, facing each other. The Sawi chief then snatched his infant son from the baby's mother. He walked down the line, with each of his warriors laying their hands on the babe. He then placed the child in the arms of the enemy chief. The enemy tribe disappeared into the jungle, and the child was never returned. 


The chief explained the meaning of this ceremony. "I offered my son as the Peace Child for our tribes. As long as my son lives there will be peace between our tribes. If he dies, war will resume. Anyone who kills a Peace Child will himself be killed." With this knowledge, Don was able to communicate how God offered his Son as the "Peace Child". The Sawi people now grasped the message and hundreds of them came to Christ. 


This weekend across the world churches are celebrating the sacrifice and triumph of God's "Peace Child", Jesus Christ. Isaiah 53:5,12 states, "He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him... For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors." God gave up His Son, so we could live. Then He rose from the dead, ruling forever as God's Peace Child.  

Barney Cargile