Working With Weakness
The great evangelist Dwight L. Moody was troubled and frustrated. While in England for a much needed vacation, a pastor in London persuaded Moody to speak at his church. As he preached, Moody observed that this church was the deadest group he'd ever addressed. A room full of mummies emanated more life. The crowd was totally unresponsive to his passionate message. But even worse, Moody had agreed to preach again that night. Being a man of his word, Moody returned.
That evening, Moody noticed that something was remarkably different. The crowd was attentive, on the edge of their seats, soaking in every word. As he closed, Moody asked if anyone wanted to accept Jesus. More than 100 people responded! Thinking they had misunderstood, Moody asked for those who were ready to commit to Christ to step into a side room. Even more people came! He asked the minister what was going on, but he had no idea.
Still perplexed over this, Moody boarded a ship for Ireland the next day. When he arrived, an urgent telegram was awaiting, pleading with him to return. He went back and preached for a week, and over 400 people were saved! Moody was amazed and puzzled...and then he met Mary Ann Adlard, and the answer was revealed. Miss Adlard was an invalid, confined to bed. Following the disastrous first Sunday's sermon, Mary Ann's sister was serving her lunch, and she asked her sister what had occurred at church that day. "Oh not much", she replied. "Some man from America named Moody preached." Miss Adlard immediately told her sister to remove her food. She said, "I've been praying for two years that God would bring him to our church, ever since I read a sermon he wrote." Mary Ann spent the rest of the day praying and fasting for revival to come to the church that evening...and it did!
Think about it. The prayers of this young woman, whose body was twisted and crippled, produced a revival in which hundreds of people came to know Jesus. God told Paul, "My power is made perfect in weakness" (II Cor.12:9). God loves to partner with us in our flaws and frailties. All He needs is one person, like Mary Ann Adlard, willing to "suit up and show up"! This is far from an isolated circumstance. He also worked through Jeremiah Lemphere in New York, Evan Roberts in Wales and two 80-year-old women in the Hebrides Islands to bring revival. Guess what? He wants to do the same through you! Let your weakness become the impetus that propels you toward advancing God's kingdom...and get ready for Him to do great things!