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My friend Travis has a young son named Logan. Last week, Travis was talking with Logan about Jesus. “He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven,” Travis confidently explained. “One day Jesus will return and take us to back to heaven to be with him.” Logan considered this and then queried, “When will he return?” “I don’t know, the Bible doesn’t tell us,” his father replied. Pausing in thought for a moment, Logan exclaimed, “Well dad, why don’t you just look it up on the internet!”

Ah…the internet— that all-knowing dispenser of answers; that paragon of information. Isn’t it amazing to consider, that if you possess a smart phone, you basically have access to all the accumulated knowledge of the human race, literally in the palm of your hand! So just for fun, I decided to follow Logan’s advice. I googled “When will Jesus return?”, and received 160 million results… Something tells me they can’t all be right! (BTW, I haven’t quite made it through the entire list yet!)

If you’re expecting one of those 160,000,000 websites to provide the answer to when Jesus will return, think again. Jesus stated, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.“ (Matthew 24:36 ). But that’s just the beginning. Multitudes of other questions arise that the internet simply cannot answer. How about: What is the purpose of my life? How can I find fulfillment? What are God’s plans for me? You can find millions of articles offering suggestions, but these are deep, heartfelt longings, that can only be discovered by passionately pursuing God.

I love the internet. Used properly, it’s an amazing tool. At this very moment, I’m utilizing it to write this article. But there comes a time (hopefully each day) when we need to “unplug”, and then “plug in” to Jesus. Get alone with him and soak in his presence. “Waste time” with your Creator. Listen to his “small still voice” and you’ll discover all the answers you need to life’s toughest questions!

Barney Cargile