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"The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on" is an ancient Arab proverb with a fascinating history. Centuries ago, in the deserts of Arabia and north Africa, small settlements sprang up near oases. Before the advent of motorized vehicles, desert travel was dangerous, even deadly. Cut off from the civilized world, these outposts relied heavily on caravans passing through their villages.

As a caravan entered town, people thronged the street, cheering. These caravans brought basic necessities, along with spices, silk and items to trade. More importantly, they provided news from the outside world. Men, women and children weren't the only ones greeting the camel train. Small dogs chased after the plodding beasts, yipping and yapping at their heels. But the caravan paid them no heed, continuing to trudge along, until they reached the market place. No matter how much the dogs barked, the caravan kept moving. 

That got me thinking. God uniquely designed each of us, and gave us individual assignments, in our journey through life. But not everyone values our calling. Like yipping dogs, they criticize, complain and condemn. But when our identity in Christ is secure, our “caravan” continues moving. We realize what others think or say about us has no bearing on who we are. God’s opinion is all that matters. Ecclesiastes 7:21 states, “Do not take to heart all the things that people say...” Paraphrased: “Don't allow ‘barking dogs’ to slow you down from who God says you are.” We’re not talking about feedback from those we trust, but attacks from others.

During his lifetime, Jesus encountered overwhelming criticism. Mark chapters two and three record the religious leaders attacking Jesus for healing on the Sabbath, eating on the Sabbath, eating with "sinners" and offering a man forgiveness. He was accused of being possessed by Satan. Even his family was ashamed of him and tried to prevent him from preaching. But in the face of heavy-handed opposition, Jesus never backed down. His “caravan” continued moving ahead, despite the "barking dogs" around him.

Like Jesus, we WILL face the “barking dogs” of criticism. We must not allow the opinions of others to steal our destiny. Criticism and popularity are as fleeting as fog. Remember Jesus, picture those yapping dogs nipping at the heels of camels, and keep moving ahead, fixed on your goals. Because "the dogs bark, but the caravan moves on!"

Principle: Don’t allow the criticism of others to steal our destiny.


  • What unique gifts and assignments has God given me?

  • In what situations do I allow the “barking dogs” of criticism to affect me?

Pursue: For a deeper dive, study Mark chapters two & three.

Prayer: “Lord, please focus my eyes on you, rather than fearing the ‘barking dogs’ of criticism. I pray that your opinion will always matter more to me than the opinion of others.”

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Barney Cargile