December’s calendar is packed with special days. But we’re also treated to a host of lesser holidays to observe. Make sure to mark next year’s planner for National Christmas Lights Day, Food Drive for Hungry Animals Day, and Stupid Toy Day—actual observances of special days in December. But no holiday season is complete if we miss “Answer the Telephone Like Buddy the Elf Day.” On December 18, observers answer the phone with, “Hello, my name is (your name) the Elf. What’s your favorite color?” Seriously.

Which got me thinking. How important are these special days in real life? Sure Christmas and New Year’s matter, but is Stupid Toy Day really going to change your life? Then that I got me thinking even more. How often do I allow myself to get caught up in a tornado of trivial events and miss what matters most?

This became clear to me in 2017 and 2019 when Sonoma County, California experienced devastating wildfires. We were forced to evacuate our home during the 2019 Kincade Fire. As we fled the wildfires, we crammed our minivan to the brim with valuables, leaving 99% of our stuff behind. I’ll never forget, pausing to take one final look around our home as we were leaving, wondering if any of it would be left when we returned. Unlike many others, our house was spared the ravages of the wildfire.

As we pause at the end of 2024, it’s a great time to reorient our priorities. In Matthew 6:33 Jesus states, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” In Matthew 16:26, Jesus utters these profound words: “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”

We all want to make God number one. But so many other matters scream to be numero uno. It’s a constant battle to keep the main thing, the main thing. Just this morning, as I sat with Bible in hand, I opened my phone for worship music, and began automatically browsing the internet. We need specific spiritual practices to guard our time with the Lord. Ask him to empower you to keep your thoughts centered on Him. Here’s a resource to help:

This leads me to one final reflection. Is anyone really going to answer the phone like Buddy the Elf?

Principle: In the year ahead, let’s make the main thing the main thing.


  • Of all the matters in my life, what competes most with God for my affection?

  • In the year ahead, what life changes can I make to seek the kingdom of heaven first?

Pursue:  For a deeper dive, study Matthew 16:24-27.

Lord Jesus, as I face the new year ahead, remind me to keep you as number one in my life. Give me the discipline and perseverance to practice this.

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Barney Cargile