
It's not a pleasant thought, but of all the repulsive practices we could imagine, I suppose child sacrifice tops the list. God certainly thinks so. In the Old Testament, when God commanded his people to destroy pagan nations, the reason was simple. These cultures were steeped in human sacrifice. 

Archaeologists have unearthed Canaanite homes, revealing a tradition known as the "foundation sacrifice". When a Canaanite couple constructed a new house, they offered one of their children as a sacrifice to Baal. After burning the child's body, they placed the bones in a jar in the foundation, hoping for a blessing from their god. Any wonder God disciplined them? 

Another god worshiped in the ancient Middle East was Molech. Constructed of hollowed-out bronze, he was a huge bull-shaped idol, with extended arms. After igniting a fire in his hollow body, the idolatrous priests took a baby, and placing it on the arms, rolled it down into the fire. Meanwhile, the people pounded drums and screamed in the background to drown out the baby's cries. Thousands of infant skeletons have been discovered at idolatrous sites. Any wonder God disciplined them? 

Eventually Israel followed the same path, embracing these practices.  In describing the depths of their depravity, II Kings 17 declares, "They even sacrificed their sons and daughters in the fire" (verse 17). Any wonder God disciplined them?

Normally I keep these articles light-hearted and inspirational. But this is serious! America may be moving in the same direction. I'm confident most of us are aware that New York state recently passed a law legalizing abortion up to the time of birth. It was cheered by legislators as the governor signed it into law. Since then, Rhode Island and Virginia have followed suit in proposing similar legislation. This is NOT about politics; it's basic morality. Scripture clearly reveals God's heart on the matter. Proverbs 6:17 expresses, "The Lord hates...hands that shed innocent blood." Can anything more innocent exist than the blood of an unborn child?

If you've had an abortion, please understand: Forgiveness is available! I'm not sharing this to heap guilt on anyone. You've suffered enough. Romans 8:1 declares, "There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!" 

Statistically, the majority of Americans are opposed to these laws, and it's time for us to speak out. We simply cannot continue to remain silent, watching our children being sacrificed on the altar of convenience!  So I'm lending my voice in that cry. Let's turn the tide in America, before we fall into the same trap as the Canaanites, the Moabites and the Israelites. 

Barney Cargile