NOTE: Be watching for the new revised edition of my book “Thriving in Quarantine” in early November.

With a name like Wilson, shouldn’t we expect him to like golf balls? Tim Norris, owner of a chocolate Lab named Wilson, noticed his dog was feeling a bit “under par.” Suspecting he had swallowed a golf ball at a Sussex, England country club, he rushed Wilson to the vet. X-rays revealed the pooch had actually downed seven of the white spheres.

 Norris believes Wilson discovered a basket of practice balls, thinking they were dog biscuits. Head vet nurse Karen Belcher explained that one more ball could have ruptured his stomach. As to why he didn’t stop at one ball, Norris guessed, “Chocolate Labradors are incredibly greedy dogs and Wilson is no different. They will eat anything they think is food.”

In reality, we aren’t much different from Wilson. We may not gobble golf balls, but we chase after all sorts of other enticements with reckless abandon. We get caught up in the pursuit of possessions, power, popularity, pleasure, and people-pleasing. Like Wilson, we discover one “golf ball” isn’t enough. Ultimately, none of these pursuits fill the emptiness in our souls.

A reporter once asked John D. Rockefeller, “How much money is enough?” His reply? “Just a little bit more.” Solomon wrote, “Those who love money will never have enough” (Ecclesiastes 5:10). Wise advice from a man whose annual income was twenty-five tons of gold (2 Kings 10:14). Like Wilson, our flesh (or animal nature) is never satisfied. And that’s not only true of money. If you recall, Solomon had 1000 wives. Why 1000? Why not stop at 100? Or ten? Or one? Simply because the flesh is never satisfied. It’s never enough.

What’s the answer? Understand that only Jesus can fill the “hole in your soul.” He designed us, understands what we need and only he can “fix” us. In John 6:35, Jesus declares, “I am the bread of life.” Just as bread fills the emptiness in our stomachs, Jesus fills the emptiness in our lives. Later in verse 68, Peter stated, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You [alone] have the words of eternal life” (AMP). Honestly ask yourself, “If not Jesus, then what?” Chase after Jesus, and you’ll find fulfillment. Chase after the flesh, and you’ll end up empty. Because the flesh is never satisfied—whether it’s possessions, popularity, power… or golf balls. Just ask Wilson.

Principle: Only Jesus can fill the emptiness in our lives


  • What “golf balls” am I swallowing in an effort to find fulfillment?

  • In what specific ways can I “chase after Jesus” more fervently?

Pursue: For a deeper dive, study John 6:25-71.

Prayer: “Lord Jesus, forgive me for chasing after things that offer no fulfillment. Help me to chase after you continually.”

If you enjoyed this article, please tell your friends, and check out my website, BarneyCargile.com

Also, check out my books on Amazon, “Thriving in Quarantine” and “Thriving in Troubled Times.”

Be watching for the new revised edition of “Thriving in Quarantine.”

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