NOTE: Be watching for the new revised edition of my book “Thriving in Quarantine” launching November 14 on Amazon.

Ever question your GPS—or have you found it to be an omniscient dispenser of directions? Sabine Moreau, a sixty-seven-year-old Belgian woman, hopped in her car and headed to Brussels, ninety miles away, with her trusty GPS guiding her. But at some point, her GPS provided faulty directions. She ventured slightly off course and ended up in Croatia… nine hundred miles away!

Her journey carried her across five international borders. Stopping several times for gas and cat-naps, she pressed on, until finally arriving in Zagreb, the Croatian capital, two days later. After receiving a call from her worried son, the police located her, by tracking her bank charges. She told a reporter, “I was distracted, so I kept going… When I passed Zagreb, I told myself I should turn around.” And to think, us guys are the ones who are accused of not asking for directions.

When it comes to directions, nothing is fool-proof—with one exception. In John 14:6 Jesus declared, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Perhaps you’re troubled by that statement. It sounds so… arrogant; so narrow; so exclusive. And it is— IF… Jesus was just a great man, or a great prophet. Any man who would utter such a boast, would not in fact be a great man, but the greatest egomaniac ever to walk planet earth.

But here’s The Big Question: What if Jesus wasn’t JUST a man. What if He was actually who He claimed to be: God in human form? That changes everything. Not only would His claim be reasonable, but that’s what we would expect Him to say, as God in the flesh! Jesus isn’t comparing Himself to Buddha, Mohammed, or any other human, saying, “You guys are losers… I’m the greatest religious leader ever.” It’s not about religion. As the one-and-only Son of God, He’s the ONLY way to God, because He is the only person ever born, who IS God!

Jesus is not a spiritual GPS. He doesn’t just SHOW us the way—He IS the way. He’s the road, the vehicle and the GPS, all in one. Follow Him, and it’s impossible to go wrong. It’s certain you’ll never find yourself nine hundred miles off course!

Principle: Because Jesus is God, we can trust Him to guide us through life.


  • If you’ve never done so, are you willing to examine the evidence for Jesus as the Son of God?

  • In what ways do I struggle with trusting Jesus’s guidance in my life?

Pursue: For a deeper dive, study John 14:1-14.

Prayer: “Lord Jesus, thank you for coming into this world as a man, and thank you for being the perfect way to the Father, so that we can all experience eternal life.”

If you enjoyed this article, please tell your friends, and check out my website,

Also, check out my books on Amazon, “Thriving in Quarantine” and “Thriving in Troubled Times.”

Be watching for the new revised edition of “Thriving in Quarantine” November 14 on Amazon.



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