Riding through the countryside one day, a powerful king caught a glimpse of a beautiful maiden, singing as she worked. Captivated by her loveliness and voice, the king returned often to her village. He was smitten with love for the girl, but his kingship tied his hands. He could command her to come to his palace and marry him, but would she truly love him, or simply obey out of fear? Would she be enamored by a life of royalty, rather than loving him simply as a man?

 The king concocted a radical scheme. He laid aside his royal robes and golden crown. He renounced his throne, abandoned his palace, and moved into her village. By adopting the life of a peasant, the maiden could come to know him and fall in love with him as a man. Eventually he won her heart, and she declared her love for him. Only then, did he reveal his true identity as a king. He brought her to his palace, and the maiden was crowned as queen.

This classic story from Danish theologian Soren Kierkegaard, is more than a fairy tale— it’s the incarnation of Jesus. The King of the Universe loved us with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3). He set aside his throne, left his heavenly kingdom, and entered our “village” (Philippians 2:5-8). John 1:14 in The Message reads, “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.”  In that way, we can truly love him for who he is, rather than cower before him in fear.

As Advent reveals, the King entered our world incognito as a baby, and grew into a man. He woos us with his love. As we come to love him, he brings us to his home, and we actually reign with him (Ephesians 2:6). It’s romantic. It’s daring. It’s inconceivable. And, it reveals how much we mean to God. He’s so enamored by us, so crazy in love with us, that he became one of us! He’s willing to pay any price to have us with him.

As we move through the Christmas season, recall this story. Consider the price the King of the Universe was willing to pay. And remember the daring move he made to have you forever as his bride. By the way, wouldn’t this make a great movie?

Principle: Jesus was willing to give up everything to have you as his bride.


  • Put yourself in this story. What emotions does it evoke within you?

  • Reflecting on your life, especially in this season, how can you demonstrate your gratitude to Jesus for his love?

Pursue: For a deeper dive, study John 1:1-18.

Prayer: “Lord Jesus, King of the Universe, no words can express my gratitude for you entering our world and choosing me to reign with you as your bride. Help me to live in gratitude each day.”


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