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Amazing rescue stories inspire us, and one of the most intriguing is the recovery of ninety-year-old Shirley Madsen of Walnut Creek, California. She climbed in the bathtub, anticipating a relaxing soak. However, when the nonagenarian attempted to extricate herself, she was too weak to crawl out. Her phone was out of reach, so calling for help was not an option. 

Three days later, her concerned daughters arrived on the scene and called an ambulance. Thankfully, their mother was fine. She had survived her ordeal by turning on the tap to replace the cool water with warm H2O. She also utilized a rubber duck on the edge of the tub and squeezed fresh water into her mouth to remain hydrated. Offering advice to others stuck in a similar situation, she stated with a smile, “Get a bunch of rubber duckies and make sure one of them can’t swim.”

At some point, we all face a similar situation. We’re helplessly and hopelessly trapped; powerless to rescue ourselves from our wrongdoings. We need a Savior—not in the form of a rubber ducky— but a lamb, the Lamb of God, who takes away our sin (John 1:29). He’s mighty enough to free us from every evil thought, cruel word, and shameful act we’ve ever committed. The Son of God died on a cross and rose from the dead, paying for every sin we’ve ever committed, and ever will commit (Romans 5:6-8).

 Trying to be a “good girl or boy” can’t deliver us from sin. For one simple reason: we aren’t that good! Romans 3:10 declares, “There is no righteous person, not even one” (NASB).

 That’s one reason for the Old Testament—to demonstrate how much we need a Savior. The Torah contains 613 commands, demanding exact obedience. Try as I might to keep each ordinance in scripture, I fail miserably… every day of my life. But thank God I have a Savior! In the midst of my bondage, I call to Him and He climbs in the “tub” of my sin, plucking me out of the mess I’ve gotten myself stuck in. He frees me from my pain, my shame, my sorrow. He asks us to call upon His name (Romans 10:13). He’s never too busy. He’s never out of reach. He’s powerful enough to help us. And He can do what no rubber ducky can do—save us from our sin!

Principle: We need a Savior, and Jesus is powerful enough to save us.

Promise: Jesus saves us from every sin we have ever committed and ever will.


  • In what ways are you coming to appreciate Jesus as your Savior more and more?

  • Meditate on this question: How can I grow in my understanding and appreciation of Him?

Pursue: For a deeper dive, study Romans 5:1-8.

Prayer: “Lord Jesus, thank you for saving me. Forgive me for the times that I take that for granted.”

Perceptions: Record any ideas God puts on your heart from today’s devotion.

Barney CargileComment