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Few things could be worse than planning the perfect outdoor wedding, spending thousands of dollars, and then being rained out on the "big day".  But fear not. A London-based travel company guarantees that rain will not ruin your wedding. Their website claims: "We can now offer our customers a 'cloud-bursting' service that can 100% guarantee fair weather and clear skies for your wedding day... The service employs the talents of pilots and meteorologists and takes over three weeks to plan, using silver iodide to 'seed' the clouds."  Prices begin at $150,000, with the company boasting, "Success can be guaranteed.” However, they add this disclaimer: "If a natural disaster such as a hurricane were to occur, this cannot be guaranteed."

That last thought just might curtail us from plopping down $150,000, because in the final analysis, God trumps our plans.  Although this company gets high marks for originality, the tiny detail that God is the Almighty, All-Powerful, Creator of the Universe gets pushed aside. Imagine the Lord's reaction. Psalm 2:4 declares, “the one who rules in heaven laughs.” Proverbs 19:21 reminds us, "You can make many plans, but the LORD's purpose will prevail."  

Our sinful nature leads us to manipulate our circumstances and other people, in order to control our lives. We even venture to snatch control from God. We create our own personal “box” for an infinite God, and attempt to keep Him caged up, making sure he's a "good little god." Like a genie in a lamp, we let Him out when we want something. We're all guilty. Religion is perhaps the worst offender.  We create all sorts of religious boxes for God; we strike all kinds of bargains with our Creator.  "I'll follow you... as long as you bless me with health, wealth and a perfect wedding day."  We want God on our terms; but He will have none of it (See Romans 9:20).  

In our crazy times, let’s remember this. God, and God alone, rules in our world. Our obsession to control is all based on fear. But when we surrender to His will, He releases freedom and blessing. Despite what politicians, media moguls, and even wedding planners may say, in the end, God is still God.  He's in charge— through rain and shine!  And, if you suspect there's a possibility that rain could spoil your wedding, have a back-up plan... like moving indoors!

Principle: God, and God alone, rules in our world.  

Promise: When we submit to God’s will, He releases freedom and blessing.


  • In what situations do I attempt to take control of my life from God?

  • How can I learn to surrender to His will?

Pursue: For a deeper dive, study Psalm two.

Prayer: “Almighty God, you rule over all things. Please forgive me for the times when I forget that and try to seize control.”

Perceptions: Record any ideas God puts on your heart from today’s devotion.



Barney CargileComment