As part of the Ugadi celebrations in India, on Wednesday, citizens of Kurnool took to the streets, formed two teams, and threw cow dung cakes at one another. It’s their special way of welcoming in the Hindu new year. They treat this contest seriously. The “manure warriors” prepare their “grenades” a month in advance. This year, over one hundred people were injured.  

Please don’t think I’m ridiculing these folks. It’s exactly the opposite. There’s far too much contemptuous mockery occurring right now. And that is exactly my point.

This manure-flinging match provides a perfect picture of our world today. Division and animosity mark our times. Battle lines are drawn, as families and friends viciously argue over opinions. How do we respond— in love, or do we immediately grab a handful of “dung” (speaking figuratively) and throw it at them on Facebook, or other platforms?

Just yesterday, I encountered a man whose opinions around cultural issues drastically differed from mine. Instantly, I felt anger rising in me, and the Holy Spirit convicted me to pray for him and for my bad attitude. Before I cave into the temptation to throw “dung” at those who disagree with me, perhaps I need to consider the possibility that they’re battling the same desire!

Scripture tells us to “Outdo one another in showing honor.” (Romans 12:10); and to “value others above yourselves” (Philippians 2:3). Ouch!

Of course, we stand up for what we believe. At times, strongly take a stand. But throwing metaphorical “manure” at those around us, doesn’t exactly advance God’s cause. Perhaps, we need to face the fact that we could be addicted to “being right.” The kingdom of heaven isn’t about fussing and fighting. Its earmarks are kindness, love, and compassion. Jesus taught, “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you?” (Luke 6:32).

My heart goes out to the people of India who are trapped in the deceit of Hinduism. I’ve witnessed firsthand, a Brahman priest worshipping a cow by drinking its urine. Even though that appears foolish to us, remember, he’s not the enemy. Like all of us, he’s deceived. We’re all trapped in a world filled with lies… and each of us buys into falsehoods at times. Let’s remember that when we find ourselves face-to-face with some “fool” we have issues with. Let’s drop our handful of dung and pray for God to give us a loving heart.

Principle: Respond in love when we disagree with others.

Promise: God’s kingdom is advanced by kindness, love, and compassion.


  • At what times, and in what ways, am I guilty of throwing “dung” at those with whom I disagree?

  • How can I show love to them instead?

Pursue: For a deeper dive, study Philippians 2:1-4.

Prayer: “Lord, in the midst of these toxic times, please help me to model your love to those I disagree with.” 

Perceptions: Record any ideas God puts on your heart from today’s devotion.

Barney CargileComment