
Imagine the shock of discovering you were dead, and no one bothered to tell you. My friends Jim & Marilyn awoke one morning to learn that Marilyn had been “dead” for several weeks. It began when she attempted to renew a prescription. A clerk informed her, “I’m sorry, but you’re listed as deceased.” Evidently, another woman in the county with Marilyn’s exact name had passed away. Rather than cross-checking her identification, the two women’s identities were switched. Even the Social Security Administration failed to confirm her social security number (go figure) to be certain they were dealing with the correct “Marilyn.” Her checking account, annuities, and medications were all frozen.

It would seem to be an easy fix. But like being mired in quicksand, Jim and Marilyn had stepped into a quagmire of paperwork purgatory. Some days Marilyn spent hours on hold with government agencies, attempting to convince them she was indeed alive. Then the IRS got involved, and let’s just say that didn’t exactly simplify her situation.

Eventually there was a breakthrough. Earlier this week, Jim informed our men’s group of the good news. After six months of battling layers of bureaucratic blunders, Marilyn was officially “alive” again.

In a tiny way, Marilyn’s “life-to-death-to-life” story parallels the resurrection of Jesus. In Revelation 1:18 Jesus told the apostle John, “I am the living one. I died, but look—I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and the grave” (NLT).

Obviously, there are huge distinctions between Marilyn’s “resurrection” and that of Jesus. Our Lord’s resurrection wasn’t some sort of clerical glitch.  He literally died and He literally rose from the dead. Never to return. Never to die again. Conquering death forever! Jesus… is… alive.

What does that mean for us? Because Jesus rose, we don’t need to fear death. In John 11:25 Jesus states, “I am the Resurrection, and I am Life Eternal. Anyone who clings to me in faith, even though he dies, will live forever” (TPT).

There will come a day when all of us will die. For real—not because of some careless clerk. My soul will exit my body, and because I am one with Jesus, I will join Him in eternal bliss. What an amazing day that will be! In these troubling times, we can cling to that hope. All because Jesus rose from the dead and conquered death forever.

Principle: Jesus was dead, but is now alive forever.

Promise: Anyone who clings to Jesus in faith will live forever.


  • During these troubling times, how can I find strength in Christ’s resurrection?

  • In what ways does the assurance that Jesus promises eternal life motivate me to live differently?

Pursue: For a deeper dive, study Revelation 1:12-18.

Prayer: “Lord, free me from my fear of death. Help me trust in you as my resurrected Lord.” 

Perceptions: Record any ideas God puts on your heart from today’s devotion.


Barney CargileComment