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In 1976, San Jose city officials commissioned sculptor David Botini to create a work of abstract art to beautify the city. Ten years later, during a downtown renovation project, construction workers tore down the twenty-foot metal sculpture, mistaking it for junk. But adding insult to injury, nearly a year passed before anyone even noticed the sculpture was missing!

City Council members stumbled over themselves, to smooth things over with the artist, promising $25,000 to replace the abstract sculpture. But one council member summed up the views of many, stating, “If his sculpture was that bad that it got torn down because somebody didn’t know it was art, I’d like to at least look at some other artists.”

I know inanimate art doesn’t possess emotions, but in a sense that sculpture represents how we’ve all felt at times—unappreciated and unwanted—like a piece of junk that gets thrown away. Very early in life we discover the world can be a cruel place. If we allow others to determine our value, we’ll end up feeling as if we’ve been cast onto the “junk heap” of life. That’s why it’s critical to be firmly anchored in who God says we are.

In Exodus 19:5, God tells His people that they are His “treasured possession” (ESV).  First Peter 2:9 applies this statement to Christians living today. Do we trust in these truths of who God declares us to be, or do we accept the value our flawed thinking places on us?

Consider Hagar, a nobody in the world’s eyes. An outcast, a slave, pregnant with her master’s child—much like that piece of art, tossed aside as junk. She fled into the wilderness, where God revealed himself in a new way to her as “The God Who Sees.” He saw her affliction, just as he is aware of our struggles. He promised that her son would grow into a great man, and that “I will give you more descendants than you can count” (Genesis 16:10, NLT). Although the world viewed Hagar as worthless, God considered her to be of immeasurable value.

Remember that when you feel cast onto the junk heap of life. Remember who God declares you to be. And remember that piece of art that no one wanted, and no one missed. That’s not you. God sees you and values you. You matter to Him, and you are his “treasured possession.”


Principle: When the world defines us as junk, it’s critical to be firmly anchored in who God declares us to be.

Promise: We are God’s treasured possession.


  • In what situations do I struggle with accepting the value God places on me?

  • Make a list from scripture of who God declares you to be and read it daily.

Pursue: For a deeper dive, study Genesis 16.

Prayer: “Father, thank you that you define me as your treasured possession. When I struggle with my identity, help me to cling to that promise.”

Perceptions: Record any ideas God puts on your heart from today’s devotion.

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