
I suppose we've all been angry with God at times. The hardships of life can creep in, causing us to doubt His goodness.  But an Israeli man took his vitriol to a whole new level. This guy actually had the chutzpah to... (are you ready?) take out a restraining order against God!  The plaintiff, who even appeared in court for the case, told the judge that over the past three years, God "had been very negative towards him"—although he mentioned no specifics. Court documents officially noted that God did not make an appearance.

A restraining order commanding God to keep away?! Something tells me this dude just might want to re-think that decision. Do you REALLY want God to vacate your life? No more breathtaking sunsets, ocean breezes, sunlight on your face, and the laughter of friends. Or the basic necessities of life— “little things” like food, water and air. Then there are the intangible blessings, such as love, joy, peace and hope.  These are all gifts from God. James 1:17 states, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” You really want to live a life devoid of everything good? 

Even if we give up on God, He never gives up on us (2 Tim.2:13). But if we persist, He eventually honors our request. God is a gentleman, never forcing himself on anyone. He doesn’t hang around like a pesky house guest, who's worn out his welcome. But this I guarantee: the consequences are too horrible to imagine. It’s called “hell.”

Some folks live that way. They've said “adios” to God, and attempt to exist without him. Then they wonder why life devolves into “living hell.” More than ever, in these times, we need to “lean” into God’s presence and trust Him. But like a spoiled child, sometimes we’re angry because God doesn’t “perform” as we wish.

If you're angry with God, He can handle it. Read the Psalms. At times, King David was “ticked off” with the Lord. But REMAINING angry with the Almighty is a really bad idea. And deliberately CHOOSING to kick God out of your life? Well, that's insanity of the worst sort.  But He does give us the freedom to reject him, and we don't need a restraining order to do it. 

Principle: More than ever, we need to lean into God's presence, and trust Him.

Promise: Even if we give up on God, He never gives up on us.


  • When have you been angry with God?

  • What were the results?

Pursue: For a deeper dive, study James 1:13-18.

Prayer: “Father, thank you for never giving up on me. Please forgive me for those times when I forget your blessings and allow myself to grow angry with you.”

Barney CargileComment