
While traveling in Uganda, I encountered an unusual custom. Some remote tribes require a prospective groom to pay a “bride price” for his intended wife. The purpose is not to “purchase” the girl, but to provide her with an “insurance policy,” should something happen to her husband. Cattle were the normal medium of exchange.  The standard bride-price for an average woman was two cows. An exceptional woman might merit three, while a less desirable girl’s family would receive one cow.

A commonly-circulated legend tells of a rich and handsome suitor who came to a tribe one day, looking for a wife. The families paraded their eligible young “bachelorettes” before him. All were surprised when he chose a young woman who was somewhat awkward and unattractive. 

"He must be after a bargain," the townspeople speculated, joking that he might offer chickens instead of cows.  But to everyone's amazement, he didn’t dicker—he paid the family six cows! While everyone scratched their heads, he whisked her away to his village.

The couple returned to visit several months later, but only a few recognized the bride. Her slumping shoulders and downcast eyes had disappeared. Her countenance and demeanor glowed with beauty and confidence, and her smile was radiant. What had happened? Simply this. She understood her value. The bride’s husband began their relationship by tangibly demonstrating how highly he esteemed her. Understanding her great worth, she began to see herself as who she truly was: a six-cow woman!

Think of the implications. One day Jesus "came to town" looking for a bride, and he chose you! Only he didn't pay a mere six cows... he paid for you with his life (Ephesians 5:25).  He delights in you as his bride. Isaiah 62:5 states, “As a groom is delighted with his bride, so your God will delight in you.” Our ultimate destiny is to “honeymoon” in heaven with Jesus, for all eternity (Revelation 19).

If you ever doubt how much Jesus loves you, if you ever question your value, remember you are that girl. It matters not if you're male or female, you are a six-cow woman! You are of immeasurable worth to him.  When we “get” that deep inside, it changes everything in our lives. Let’s step into our identity and never again doubt our value.  Jesus paid for you with his life. Hold your head high, and remember… you are a six-cow woman! 

Principle: As God’s beloved, I am a “six-cow woman.”

Promise: We will “honeymoon” in heaven with Jesus for all eternity.


  • What words come to mind when you think of yourself as the girl in this story?

  • What lies of the enemy pull you away from seeing yourself as a “six-cow woman?”

Pursue: For a deeper dive, study Isaiah 62:1-5.

Prayer: “Jesus, I don’t understand it, but by faith I trust in your assurance that you delight in me, and that I am your six-cow woman. Help me to live in that reality.”

Barney CargileComment