
At Lake Isabella in southern California, some novice boaters were struggling with getting their brand-new, twenty-two foot Bayliner to perform properly. The engine roared to life when it started, but attempting to maneuver the craft through water, was like moving through sludge, and it was virtually impossible to steer.

The boat was able to “limp” over to the marina where a mechanic checked it out, and everything performed perfectly. Eventually one of the dock hands dove under the water, and came up laughing so hard, he almost choked. Underneath the craft, fully strapped into place, was the boat trailer!

Sometimes, our lives are like that. We have all the power we need to thrive in life, but we fail to use it. In Ephesians 1:19-20 Paul prays that we “will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead.” Did you catch that? The very same power that was unleashed when God reached down and resurrected the lifeless corpse of Jesus, is available to believers!

God desires that we experience abundant lives, filled with power. In John 10:10 Jesus declares, “I have come in order that you might have life—life in all its fullness” (GNT).

But even with these promises, at times we drag along, like a boat strapped to a trailer, wondering what’s missing. Of course, we all experience seasons of tragedy and loss, where we can barely pull ourselves out of bed. But how do we characterize our lives, day-in and day-out? Ask yourself, “Is my life filled with the power of the Holy Spirit? Am I experiencing an abundant life?”

If not, perhaps we’re trying to maneuver through life, “strapped to a trailer.” We’re dragging something around we need to be free from. Maybe it’s a lousy attitude—such as entitlement, a victim mentality, or playing the “blame game.” It might be unconfessed sin, or a hidden addiction. Shame over our past is a huge “trailer” we might be strapped to. Get alone with Jesus, and ask him to show you.

God’s desire is for us to live in freedom—free to experience the life he designed for his children. Not dragging ourselves through life, strapped to a burden we were never intended to carry. If we do, we’ll find we’re “dead in the water.”

Principle: God desires that we experience abundant lives, filled with power.


  • On a scale of one to ten, how much am I experiencing the abundant life Jesus desires for me?

  • What attitudes or practices might I be strapped to that are pulling me down?

Pursue: For a deeper dive, study Ephesians 1:15-23.

Prayer: “Lord, thank you for the power and freedom  you offer me. Please continue to reveal to me those areas of life that are dragging me down.”

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Also, check out my books on Amazon, “Thriving in Quarantine” and “Thriving in Troubled Times.”

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