As if there wasn’t enough stuff to worry over, scientists are now handing us some really scary news. You might want to sit down. Evidently, the sun is burning out. (This is the part where you gasp). According to a recent article in space.com, the sun is running out of hydrogen. But before we scurry in fear, and hide under the bed, relax. This monumental cosmic tragedy won’t occur for another five billion years (give or take a few million).

Okay. We’re not exactly quaking with fear, over an event five billion years from now. But we are living in fear-laden times. Watch the news—if you dare—or sign on to social media. We’re all going to die from COVID, internment camps are being constructed, and we’re on the precipice of the zombie apocalypse.

Know what the number one command is that God gives us in scripture? Two simple words: “Fear not.” Why? Because we’re so prone to fear. It’s our default mode. “But I can’t help it!” Then why did God waste so much space in scripture telling us to do something we can’t obey?

Here are two exercises guaranteed to increase your faith and give flight to your fears. First, live in the moment. In Matthew 6:34 Jesus commands, “Don’t worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have enough to worry about today.” Lamentations 3:23 promises, “His mercies begin afresh each morning.” Each day God gives us enough mercy to face the fears of that day. God is the Great I Am—not the Great I Will Be. The sun hasn’t burned out, we’re not in the midst of a nuclear holocaust, and zombies aren’t crashing through your door to suck your face off. In this moment things are good.

Second, focus on Jesus, not your troubles. Colossians 3:2 states, “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Remember the story of Peter walking on water? As long as he kept his eyes on Jesus, he moved in the miraculous. But the moment he looked at the wind and waves, he sank like the Titanic.  

Yes, we all have legitimate concerns, but we can “what-if” ourselves to death… literally! Instead of dwelling in the desert of despair, why not fix our eyes on the oasis of God’s love. When we do, we experience a little bit of heaven.

Principle: Fear not.


  • What unrealistic fears am I struggling with?

  • How does living in the moment, and focusing on Jesus help me?

Pursue: For a deeper dive, study Matthew 14:22-32.

Prayer: Lord, I confess that I am so prone to fear. Help me to stay focused on you and to live in the moment.”

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