It was a laugh-out-loud moment. Our friends in Oregon owned a dog who chased his tail, over and over, until he was defeated by dizziness, and passed out. When he recovered, the poor pup would continue this pointless pursuit all day long. One day, we stopped by to visit, and asked how their dog was.

“He died,” they replied.

“What happened?” we asked.

You probably already figured out the answer. “He got hit by a car while chasing his tail.”

Silly dog! Can you imagine chasing after something you’ll never catch? Spinning round and round, wearing yourself out, day after day, until it finally takes you out? Actually I can. That’s what we humans do every day. Satan dangles his bait in our face and off we go, chasing what the world offers in an effort to find fulfillment and value. It’s so fruitless, since we possess all we need in Jesus.

In John 6:35, Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” In John 7:38 he assures us that when we believe in him, “rivers of living water will flow from within.” And in John 10:10 he promises an “abundant life” to all who follow him.

I don’t even understand what all that means, but it sure sounds better than chasing my tail—pursuing pleasure, prosperity, power, popularity, and people-pleasing in an effort to find fulfillment. Only Jesus can fulfill the deepest longings of our hearts.

Besides fulfillment, what about our need for value and identity? Our culture proclaims our value is based on beauty, wealth, and intelligence. Round and round we go, chasing these idols, only to discover this false sense of value is always just outside our grasp. Jesus offers true value based on our union with him (John 15:5). Christ frees us from a life of empty pursuits.

What’s the answer? Chase after Jesus. Only he offers the fulfillment and value we seek in life. Enjoy what you have in this world—if it’s beauty, wealth, or intelligence—or the lack thereof (Ecclesiastes 2:24). But let’s not base our life’s ambition on anything the world offers. Pursue the value and fulfillment you find in Jesus. Otherwise, you’ll just be chasing your tail.

Principle: Pursuing anything other than Jesus is like chasing your tail.


  • What is there that the world offers that I tend to pursue to find fulfillment?

  • Which of the three cultural values—beauty, wealth, and intelligence—do I most seek to find my value and identity?

Pursue: For a deeper dive, study John 6:25-71.

Prayer: “Lord, I’m so prone to chase after the things of this world. Remind me that when I do so, I’m chasing my tail and turn my heart toward you.”

Barney CargileComment