UPDATE FROM BARNEY: I’m doing well during the Christmas season, but I miss Linda terribly. There are times of great joy, but then grief comes over me like a wave. During this time of year, it’s good to be reminded of the joy that Jesus brings to our lives.


 During the holidays, neighborhoods are decked out with strings of light. But one family in Union Vale, New York took a page from Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation. They topped their world record this year by running 720,000 lights across their yard. If strung end-to-end they would stretch forty miles, with an additional eight miles of extension cords. Timothy and Grace Gay labored for three months to string the lights, and have raised nearly $1 million for charity through donations. The glowing luminescence and synchronized music draws thousands of spectators. And the neighbors? Let’s just say, they’re less than thrilled.

The Bible consistently uses light as a metaphor of righteousness and truth. In speaking of Jesus’s advent, John 1:9 declares, “The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world” (NLT). Verse five observes, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.”

Light is essential in our world. Ever try to find a light switch in a pitch-black room? We stumble around, groping the walls, maybe even tripping and breaking objects. The same is true spiritually. Without Christ’s light, we stagger as we attempt to navigate our way through this dark world. That’s why Jesus was born—to reveal the light—to give us answers to the questions that plague us most. “Why am I alive? How should I live? What happens after I die?” Matthew 4:16 promises this concerning Jesus: “The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.”

For me, that assurance is like a lifeline tossed to a drowning man. Christmas reminds us of how desperately we need the light of Jesus to fill our hearts. For many of us, it’s been a tough year. I understand how overwhelming the darkness can feel, as I struggle with heavy grief at times. On occasion, the darkness can feel so thick, it’s hard to breathe. But don’t despair. God sent His Son to bring light into our dark world. Without the light of Jesus, I don’t know what I’d do. He offers hope. Thank God for Jesus, the Light of the World.

Principle: Jesus is the Light of the World.


  • What struggles have you experienced this past year?

  • How does understanding Jesus as the Light of the World offer hope for you?

Pursue: For a deeper dive, study John 1:1–14.

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for bringing light into our dark world. Without your light, our world would be unbearable.


Portions of this were taken from my book, The Perfect Gift, Copyright © 2024 by Barney Cargile. Used by permission of Our Daily Bread Publishing®, P.O Box 3566, Grand Rapids, MI 49501. All rights reserved. Further distribution is prohibited without written permission from Our Daily Bread Publishing at  

You can purchase my other books, Thriving in Quarantine and Thriving in Troubled Times, on Amazon. They make great gifts! Here are the links:

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