In 1897, George M. Stratton, a vision scientist, created a pair of glasses that turned the world upside-down. In reality, they turned the world right-side-up, because our eyes send an image to our brain that’s upside-down. Our brain inverts it, giving us a right-side-up perception of our surroundings. Stratton strapped on his goggles and blundered into objects for several days. In this new “upside-down” world, his brain saw liquids pouring up, and he observed himself walking on ceilings. Everything was completely inverted.
But only for three days. Our eyes are our cameras. But the pictures we take with our eyes are developed by our brains. Stratton reported that after three days, his brain figured out that something was amiss. It then reinverted the images and presented him with a right-side-up world once again. (Source: Galen Dalrymple, DayBreaks, 01/30/2014.)
In a sense, we’re all walking around with glasses giving us an upside-down view of life. We’re born into a fallen world, promoting a twisted set of values. “You deserve the best. Don’t get mad, get even. It’s okay, as long as you don’t get caught.” These are a few mantras of our fallen world.
Then Jesus broke through, giving us a completely different set of “goggles.” He taught us to have faith, rather than fear. To practice forgiveness, rather than revenge. And to show love, rather than hate.
In Matthew 5:21-48, he demonstrates this shift with these words, “You have heard that it was said… but I say to you...” Jesus then contrasts cultural values with kingdom ethics. He teaches us not to hate, lust, divorce, swear, or get revenge. He demonstrated God’s upside-down kingdom.
But did he really? Actually, Jesus flipped the world right-side-up by teaching and modeling the values by which God intended us to live. It took Doctor Stratton’s brain three days to adjust to a new way of seeing his surroundings. It takes us a lifetime to completely conform to God’s view of the world.
At times I find myself bouncing back and forth between the right-side-up world of Christ’s kingdom, and the upside-down world of the Matrix. It’s a battle we all face. But we know that God continually adjusts our viewpoint to his way of living. It’s a lifetime process, isn’t it? Learning not to become so acclimated to living in an upside-down world, that we begin to see it as right-side-up.
UPDATE ON LINDA: We’re back at the Gerson Institute for evaluation. The doctor has made some adjustments to Linda’s protocol which seem to be helping her. It’s been a good week. We look forward to returning tomorrow.
Principle: Jesus flips the world’s values right-side-up.
With what worldly values do you most struggle? (power, pleasure, prosperity, etc.)
What are some of the blessings you experience when you conform your life and way of thinking to the values of Christ’s kingdom?
Pursue: For a deeper dive, study Matthew 5:21-48.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for flipping our world right-side-up. Empower me through your Holy Spirit to live out the values of the Kingdom of Heaven.