The Major League baseball season has concluded, and now the playoffs are underway. Shortly before the regular season ended, a few teams had such good records that they had already clinched a spot in the playoffs. Even if they lost all their remaining games, they had mathematically qualified. Those games had no effect on the outcome of their regular season. Their spot was secure, and they could not lose it. Imagine how it would feel to be on one of those teams. You could relax and play the remaining games the way baseball was intended, simply for the love of the sport, instead of the fear of losing.

As followers of Jesus, that’s where we are. We’ve already won. Read the end of the Bible. We know the final score. The bottom line? Team Jesus wins. Of course we still have some “games left in our season” before we head home. But even as we face the struggles of this world, we can rest in Jesus and live out of a place of victory.

Here’s the final score: “God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them… He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away… No longer will there be any curse… And they will reign for ever and ever.” (Revelation 21:3-5; 22:3-5). What a game-changer those pictures are! We’ve already won—and that’s what matters.

In these days, we’re bombarded with prophetic speculation. Some defend their eschatological viewpoints, with the fervor of a rabid dog—pre-tribulation rapture, post-trib, a-millennial, applied eschatology... We all have our positions. But here’s the danger. We can get so caught up in the details that we miss the big picture.

Consider this: No matter what we believe about end times … we’re wrong. It’s going to be nothing like we imagined. I have my perspective too, but I like to tell folks that I’m “pan-millennial.” It’s all going to pan out in the end.

Here’s what really matters. Make sure you’re on the winning team—Team Jesus. Because things don’t go well for those who reject him (Revelation 21:8). Jesus already won, and we share in his triumph. Let’s finish our season here on earth by playing from a place of victory. Because no matter how things appear, we’ve already won!

Principle: When it comes to eternity, as followers of Jesus, we’ve already won.  


  • On a scale of one to ten, how confident are you of your salvation?

  • How does knowing, that you’ve already won, give you more confidence in your daily battles?

Pursue: For a deeper dive, study Revelation 21 & 22.

 Lord Jesus, thank you for your victory at the cross and the empty tomb. Help me to live and battle out of a place of victory, rather than striving

I’m So Excited!! My new book, The Perfect Gift, a Christmas devotional, published by Our Daily Bread has been released! Order today on Amazon.

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Barney Cargile