NOTE: “Barney’s Bullet” is now “Barney’s Blast”

Diocletian. His name must have struck terror in the hearts of fourth-century Christians. In 303 A.D. this Roman Emperor launched a brutal assault aimed at obliterating Christianity throughout the Roman Empire. Diocletian’s attack was not the first against believers, but certainly the most ruthless.

Diocletian saw himself as God supreme. He despised Jesus and his followers, and was hell-bent (literally) on annihilating the faith. Eusebius, an early church historian reported that the emperor destroyed copies of scriptures, razed Christian meeting places, and tortured Christ’s followers in unimaginable ways.

But God always gets the last word. Diocletian died in the year 311, likely by his own hand. A decade later, the Emperor Constantine declared Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire, reversing Diocletian’s policies. Then in 653, Diocletian’s mausoleum was converted into a Christian place of worship, and exists today as the Cathedral of Saint Dominus. Not only did Diocletian’s assault against Jesus fail, but a building constructed to worship Christ now stands atop his grave!

How does that affect us? In four days, Americans will elect our leaders. In some cases, voters might cringe at the choices. In the midst of our sharply-divided nation, many believers wonder how this might impact us as people of faith, and fear what the future holds for our children.

Let’s come back to Diocletian. As much as he tried to destroy the cause of Christ, God triumphed—and he’s the same God who reigns today. Regardless of who wins the election, regardless of what laws politicians may pass, regardless of how we may feel toward our leaders, let’s remember who really rules in America. Jesus! We’re blessed to live in this great land, but this isn’t our home. As believers, our citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20). According to Hebrews 12:28, Christ’s kingdom is unshakeable. Daniel 4:25 states, “the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes.”

This election is extremely significant, and we need to vote. But our hope is not in any politician. Whoever governs in Washington matters far less than who rules in our hearts. The advance of the gospel isn’t affected by the outcome of the election. In fact, the church grows faster in places where persecution is greatest—not where religious freedom abounds. Diocletian stands as an eternal reminder that no matter how much man might assault God’s kingdom, Jesus Christ is triumphant forever.

Principle: Christians are citizens of God’s kingdom, which is immovable and unshakable.


  • What concerns do you have regarding the upcoming election?

  • How does the story of Diocletian help you appreciate the sovereignty of God more?

Pursue: For a deeper dive, study Daniel 4. 

Sovereign God, you rule over the universe. And I declare that my citizenship is in heaven. Help me remember that your kingdom cannot be shaken.

I’m So Excited!! My new book, The Perfect Gift, a Christmas devotional published by Our Daily Bread, was released October 1. Click on “The Perfect Gift” link above to order.

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