On July 9, 1958, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake hit Lituya Bay, Alaska. An ensuing rockslide dumped forty million cubic yards of debris into the bay, creating a tsunami. By the time the wave reached the mouth of the inlet, it had attained a height of 1,720 feet, making it the largest wave in recorded history.

Three fishing boats were anchored in Lituya Bay at the time of the tsunami. Because of their positions, two boats survived. The other was destroyed.

Survivors Bill and Vivian Swanson, owners of one of the boats, commented, "Suddenly … there was a big wall of water going over the point. The wave started for us right after that, and I was too busy to tell what else was happening up there.” In the blink of an eye, their boat was going over trees and large rocks before crash-landing. Bill returned to Lituya Bay four years later. As he was entering the bay, he suffered a fatal heart attack.


In Mark four, Jesus and the apostles encountered huge life-threatening waves. Verse 37 states, “A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped.” These experienced fishermen were terrified. But “Jesus was in the stern sleeping” (v. 38). They awoke Jesus, and he simply said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” The wind and waves instantly ceased.

Pretty much every day, we encounter small waves. But three or four times in a lifetime, a tsunami knocks us flat. You discover drug paraphernalia in your son’s bedroom. Your teen daughter announces, “I’m pregnant.” Your spouse says, “I want a divorce.” On January 24, 2023, Linda and I sat at our kitchen table on a video call with our doctor. He said, “Linda has incurable stage 4 ovarian cancer.” A tidal wave of fear and worry instantly swept over me.

I find it interesting that the source for this story is Surfing tsunamis under our own power is not a brilliant idea. Hope you don’t mind getting slammed around and drowning. Or you can turn to the Master of the waves as the apostles did. I’ve tried it both ways. Running to Jesus and letting him hold you as you ride the wave together is infinitely better. Jesus doesn’t often make our waves disappear, but he carries us through and safely deposits us on the other side.

Principle: Jesus will carry us through the tidal waves of life.


  • What waves are you currently facing?

  • When has Jesus carried you through your tsunamis?

Pursue: For a deeper dive study Mark 4:35-41.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, without you I’m in deep trouble. When I face waves in life, help me remember to cling to you to carry me through those waves.

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