Some of us are “blessed” in life with being known by our middle name. My full name is Olin Barney Cargile III. I still recall the first day of school when my teacher called me “Olin.” I looked around to see who she was talking to. Going by my middle name doesn’t complicate my life at all … except with the IRS, DMV, all government offices, credit card companies, the bank… Okay, you get the picture.

Here’s a new twist. Lots of folks in the Bible shared an identical middle name: “The.” Consider Rahab The Prostitute, Joseph The Prisoner, and David The Shepherd-Boy. Of course, “The” wasn’t their actual middle name, but it connected them to their identity—as a prostitute, prisoner, and shepherd-boy. Then they encountered God, and everything changed.

God transformed Rahab the Prostitute into Rahab the Beloved. He turned Joseph the Prisoner into Joseph the Ruler. David the Shepherd-Boy became David the King. Their ‘the” didn’t automatically disappear. But now their “middle name” defined them in a totally new way. What made the difference? One simple act. Standing between their old life and their new identity was an encounter with God. Once they came face-to-face with their creator, their lives were changed forever

It’s still true. Paul wrote, “Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” (2 Corinthians 5:17, NLT). When you come to Christ, he transforms you into a brand new you—a new “the.” Barney the Sinner is now Barney the Sanctified.

We all act based on how we see ourselves. When we attach Loser, Failure, or Fool at the end of our “the,” guess how we’ll behave? Exactly as we define ourselves.

Then Jesus steps in, snatches away our old “the,” casts it into the pit of hell, and transforms us forever. It’s a struggle to live in our new identity, because Satan continues to wave our old identity in our faces, as unforgiven, unimportant, or unsaved. It’s a lie from the pit of hell.

Can you imagine David forsaking his throne to watch sheep again? Or Joseph returning to the dungeon? Or Rahab going back to a life of prostitution? Absurd! Once God gives us a new identity, we need to walk in it. Hold our heads high. Be bold, because the Lord has transformed us. He has given us a new “the.”

Principle: When we come to Jesus, he gives us a new identity.


  • Of all the ways God defines us in scripture, which one is most meaningful: child, bride, beloved, holy, etc.?

  • Under what circumstances do you most struggle with accepting the identity God gives you?

 Pursue: For a deeper dive, Study Ephesians 1:3-14

Loving Father, my heart is filled with praise and thankfulness for the new identity you’ve given me. Help me believe you and live out of my new identity.

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I’m So Excited!! My new book, The Perfect Gift, a Christmas devotional, published by Our Daily Bread releases October 1. You can pre-order on Amazon.

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