It was truly an unforgettable moment. In 1993, our family rented Fire in the Sky, the story of an alleged alien abduction. As we watched, we realized the movie was filmed in Roseburg, Oregon, where we had lived a couple of years earlier. Suddenly Linda cried out, “That’s our house!!” It was unmistakable. Our former domicile was home to the lead character…

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Barney CargileComment

December’s calendar is packed with special days. But we’re also treated to a host of lesser holidays to observe. Make sure to mark next year’s planner for National Christmas Lights Day, Food Drive for Hungry Animals Day, and Stupid Toy Day—actual observances of special days in December.

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Barney Cargile

A teenage girl and her husband—two insignificant peasants, from an insignificant village, in an insignificant country—travel to an insignificant town. While there, she gives birth to a baby boy, in the most insignificant of places—not in a hospital, or a house, or even a toolshed. No, this couple’s baby entered the world in the humblest place we could imagine. He was literally “born in a barn.” By now, I imagine you’ve figured out we’re talking about Jesus.

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Barney CargileComment

Turning slowly, the stranger faced me as we stood at the drinking fountain. I thanked him through dewy eyes. As he wiped his tears, I knew he appreciated my gratitude. We embraced and departed, never to see one another again.

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Barney Cargile

We were driving through Kansas around midnight with two small children. The hotels were filled in every town we passed through. Eventually, we spotted a sign flashing Vacancy. Approaching the office, I prayed the desk clerk hadn’t forgotten to turn on the No Vacancy sign. In retrospect, perhaps we should have kept driving…

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Barney CargileComment

“You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.” We’ve heard that time-worn cliché a thousand times— because it’s true. In 1911 the Mona Lisa disappeared for two years. It was stolen. What followed was one of those head-shaking-try-and-figure-this-out experiences. During the two years of its absence, more people visited the spot where Da Vinci’s masterpiece had previously rested than actually viewed the Mona Lisa in the two years prior to its theft! Why? Because we don’t know what we’ve got till it’s gone. Our human default is to move through life more concerned about what we don’t have than to focus on the gifts we possess.

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Barney CargileComment

Author Max Lucado tells the story of a boy who spied a box of puppies in a pet store window. Stepping inside, he asked the owner, “How much are the puppies?” Learning the price, he headed out. For the next two weeks, he mowed lawns, washed cars, and did extra chores. Finally, he returned and plopped a wad of crumpled bills on the counter. The owner counted them and said, “Okay, go pick out your puppy.” The boy immediately chose a dog with a limp foot.

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Barney CargileComment