
I'm intentionally writing this a week before the election, because I don't want the outcome to influence my comments.  What I'm sharing is true...regardless of whoever wins.  These are some of the toughest times our nation has ever faced, calling for Lincoln-like leadership. Whoever wins is going to need all our support and prayers. Like me, I’ll bet you’re exhausted, and a bit disgusted, from this toxic campaign. More than ever, it’s critical to share these three non-partisan truths from scripture about our political leaders. 

  • God puts in power the rulers He chooses

Daniel 4:17 states, "The Most High rules over the kingdoms of the world and gives them to anyone he chooses — even to the lowliest of humans."  I don't understand how it all works, but ultimately, God chooses our rulers. When, where, why or how...I don't know. Throughout scripture and history, God has allowed unlikely (and even wicked) leaders to rule in nations for his divine purposes— often to discipline his people. He used Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome, just to name a few.  However the election turns out for you, thank God for his choice and how he will use it.  

  • We need to respect and honor whoever leads our nation

Three simple words in I Peter 2:17 carry huge implications. "Honor the emperor." Wanna guess who the Roman Emperor was at that time? A precious little dude named "Nero." History informs us that Nero was so maniacal that he would dip Christians in tar and attach them to posts, setting them on fire to light his gardens. As he and his guests strolled through the garden, they would delight themselves with the believers' screams of anguish. Ultimately, it was Nero who put Peter to death...And this was the guy that Peter said to "honor?”  Whoever wins our election, will fall far short of Nero's depravity.  Even if we don't respect them personally, God ordains our leaders and we honor them for their position. 

  • Ultimately, Jesus is the Leader of our nation

Revelation 1:5 states that Jesus is the "ruler of the kings of the earth".  Perhaps the election will end just as you desire or...perhaps you're ready to leave the country. Regardless, remember Jesus is still on the throne. He is King of kings and Lord of lords and nothing catches him by surprise.  Let’s take our eyes off the politics of our world system and put them on Jesus. 

Barney CargileComment