In 2008, Steve Kreuscher, an Illinois man, legally changed his name to “In God We Trust.” The amateur artist’s first name now is “InGod” and his last name is “WeTrust.” Every time he places his signature on paper, his new moniker reminds him of the help God provides during tough times. Kreuscher (sorry, “WeTrust”) indicates his greatest joy is signing his new name to his paintings.

As odd as this story sounds, let’s consider it for a moment. In the midst of our fearful times, we need all the help we can get to trust God more. I’m not suggesting we change our name to, let’s say, “The Lord Is My Shepherd.” But we all need daily reminders of the Lord’s power and goodness. If changing your name helps, then go for it.

One of the most powerful weapons in Satan’s arsenal is fear. This culprit can cripple even the hardiest of believers, like Timothy. Several times in his letters to this young evangelist, Paul reminds him to be bold, rather than fearful. In 2 Timothy 1:7 he writes, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” If God doesn’t give us a spirit of fear, then who does? Suppose it could be… Satan?

A spirit of fear hovers over our land today. Fear for our health, the economy, political instability, our family’s future… the list goes on. The remedy to all these fears is identical: trusting God. As simple as it sounds, trusting God brings peace, even in the worst of situations. Here’s the big question: Are we trusting in God, or in what we think God OUGHT to do in our lives? Trust implies letting go of controlling my circumstances and surrendering them to God.

“In God We Trust” is so much more than a catchy phrase, even if it is our national motto. Trusting God is not a feeling, it’s a choice. We take our eyes off our troubles and put them on our Lord. We center our thoughts on his power and not our problems. Change your name if you like—but it’s not necessary. “In God We Trust” is the only way to survive, and even thrive, in these troubled times.

Principle: Trusting God enables us to thrive in these troubled times.


  • In what areas of life do I struggle with trusting God?

  • What reminders might help me recall the necessity of trusting God?

Pursue: For a deeper dive, study 2 Timothy 1:6-12.

Prayer: ““Almighty God, you can do anything. Help me through my daily struggles. Strengthen me in my weakness to trust you more.”

Barney CargileComment