Joshua threw back the tent flap and stepped into the brisk morning air. His breath rose in tiny wisps around his face. Wrapping his cloak about him, he headed away from camp, to meet with God. Sitting on a boulder, he breathed uneasily.

In three days, the Israelites would cross the Jordan River, and face the Canaanites, a foe so fierce, so evil, that human sacrifice to their gods was as common as sleeping. The Israelites were out-numbered, out-sized, out-weaponized, out-everything-else.

Questions rushed through Joshua’s mind, like a stallion racing into battle. How strong was the enemy? Would the people follow him? Would they even listen? Would they fight under pressure? He trusted God, but doubts crept into his heart like an enemy sneaking into camp.

Then, piercing the morning silence, God spoke to Joshua. “Be strong and courageous.” Four times in chapter one of the book bearing his name, God repeated those words: “Be strong and courageous.” While their enemy may have been stronger, one truth trumped human circumstances. God was bigger than the enemy! So the Lord reminded Israel’s leader of his promises. “Every place where you set foot, I have given you… No one will be able to stand before you… I will not leave you or forsake you.” With such assurances, Joshua’s heart overflowed with courage, as they prepared for battle.

We serve the same God today. We battle the same spiritual foes. We face the same fears. And just as God spoke to this leader over 3,000 years ago, he declares the same truths to us. We cannot fail! We choose faith over fear, even as our enemy attempts to cripple us with doubt.

COVID, the economy, political instability, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran… Every night the news reminds us of how much we need to be afraid—to be VERY afraid. But let’s not allow the clamor of the enemy to drown out the whisper of God’s voice. “Be strong and courageous, be strong and courageous, be strong and courageous.” Why? Because we’re “all that?” Because we can out-muscle Satan on our own? Absolutely not! Because God is bigger than our fears, and grasping that truth, we cannot fail.

In the midst of the uncertainty around us, let’s recall God’s promises. Let’s embrace the assurances he offers, and let’s remember to choose faith over fear. Be strong and courageous!

Principle: In the midst of fearful times, be strong and courageous.


  • In what fearful situations have you experienced God providing you with strength and courage?

  • What fears are you experiencing right now where you need strength and courage from the Lord?

Pursue: For a deeper dive, study Joshua chapter one.

Prayer: “Almighty God, at times I feel weak and fearful. I need you to make me strong and courageous.”

Barney CargileComment