In the fifth grade, a bully named Ronnie terrorized our class. Having failed a grade, he was bigger, stronger, and meaner than the rest of us. Our survival necessitated we acquiesce to his demands to take whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted it, so we might live another day.

On hot afternoons following P.E., the line to the water fountain stretched into the next county. But no problem for Ronnie. He strode to the front of the line, shoved aside the lad who was drinking, and satiated his thirst. Meanwhile, the rest of us were perishing from parched mouth syndrome. “Why didn’t you tell the teacher?” you ask. I think you can figure out the answer.

Bullies don’t just inhabit the world of kid-dom. Throughout our lives, bigger, smarter, prettier, and more talented people find ways to push the rest of us around. And it will continue until Jesus returns.

In 1 Samuel, we encounter the queen-mother of all bullies: Goliath, a nine-foot-tall giant. Israel was battling the Philistines. David, a shepherd boy, arrived at the frontlines as Goliath was taunting God’s army, Even the mightiest warriors were terrorized. But not David. He understood “the battle is the Lord’s” (1 Samuel 17:47). Compared to God, Goliath was an ant. He had defied God (v. 26) and was going down!

Here are the facts: Goliath was bigger, stronger, had more battle experience, and weaponry than the shepherd boy. Based on the facts, David’s days on earth had ended. But the facts don’t count, because “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31). No matter what the facts show, when we believe, the facts don’t count! Thumb through the Bible. You’ll see this truth repeated in virtually every story. God slew Goliath through David, because David relied on God’s power and not his own strength.

We all face our individual Goliaths—something bigger than us; something we can’t defeat by our own power. It may be the Goliath of cancer, a miserable marriage, a rebellious teen, or unemployment. It doesn’t matter what your giant is. If you belong to Jesus, the creator of the universe lives in you—and “he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). No matter how big our problems are, God is bigger. No matter what the facts say, when we believe, the facts don’t count!

Principle: When we believe, the facts don’t count.


  • What Goliaths are you currently facing?

  • How can God help you let go of fear and defeat your giants?

Pursue: For a deeper dive, study 1 Samuel 17.

Prayer: Almighty God, I praise you that you possess all power, and you live in me! Increase my faith to trust you more, and to fight from a place of victory, rather than fear.

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I’m So Excited!! My new book, The Perfect Gift, a Christmas devotional, published by Our Daily Bread is being released October 1. You can pre-order on Amazon.

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