Little league umpires and parents. Mortal enemies of the worst sort—like cats and dogs, wolves and sheep, and unicorns and rainbows. OK, scratch the last pair. Parents have a notorious reputation for harassing umpires when they call their kid out. But at a recent little league game in Oxford, Massachusetts, one ump was overjoyed when a parent got in his face—literally.

Korey Pontbriand was calling a game behind home plate when a wild pitch struck him in the throat. He shook it off, and continued. But one parent, Dr. Jennifer LaFemina, a surgeon, kept a close watch on him. Later he collapsed, and the doc rushed in along with her surgical assistant, Emily Lutfy, and performed CPR until paramedics arrived. He credits the duo with saving his life. (Important side note: In the midst of the flurry, Dr. LaFemina’s son, scored the winning run.)

Sometimes God brings help from unlikely places. He providentially arranges for us to be in the right place, at the right time, with the right person to help us. In the book of Acts, Philip was ministering in Samaria when the Lord directed him to travel on the road to Gaza. At precisely the moment when the highway connected with the road from Jerusalem, a chariot passed by. Philip joined the chariot, and led an Ethiopian official to Christ (Acts 8:26-38). God knew the precise moment the chariot would pass by, and arranged for Philip to arrive at that exact time.

I recall numerous situations in life when I got stuck, ran out of gas, the car overheated, or other emergencies occured. Consistently, someone showed up at precisely the right moment with exactly what I needed. I half expected the person to vaporize as they drove away, because it seemed like angelic intervention. Sometimes the situation was critical; often, I simply needed another set of hands to unload furniture.

There are other times when I felt overwhelmed with discouragement, and God brought the right person across my path, who spoke exactly the words I needed at that moment. Coincidence? Not after dozens of times.

God repeatedly promises to care for us, and loves to partner with other people in the process. He arranges to have a “doctor in the crowd”—the right person, at the right place, at the right time –with exactly what we need. Even if we’re hit with a baseball.

Principle: God brings the right person, at the right place, at the right time, to help us.


  • When can you recall God coming through for you with unexpected help?

  • What situations are you currently facing where you need intervention from God?

Pursue: For a deeper dive, study Acts 8:26-40.

Prayer: All-seeing God. I praise you and thank you for always being there for me, and arranging for the right person to be in the right place to help me at the right time.

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I’m So Excited!! My new book, The Perfect Gift, a Christmas devotional, published by Our Daily Bread is being released October 1. You can pre-order on Amazon.

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